Rest of Life Care
Stanfield Nursing Home is also palliative care home.
Therefore, we can provide end of life care for loved ones.
Palliative Care Home
During the last hours and days of a resident’s life we ensure we look after both their medical and spiritual needs. We continue this as they near the end of their life. On a practical level, this palliative care involves ensuring that the patient is pain-free, comfortable and hydrated if possible. We will also take care of any other distressing symptoms that may occur too. This is with the support of the resident’s GP and where appropriate St Richards Hospice.
Our palliative care also considers the patient’s needs on a religious and spiritual level too. Therefore understanding the wishes of the resident and those close to them, as they provide our direction during these times.
Rest of Life Care
At our palliative care home, during the last days and hours of the resident’s life, we actively encourage loved ones to be present. We also encourage them to participate in the care at whatever level they wish. Often those supporting their loved ones will stay with us during this period. We are happy to accommodate the wishes of those nearest and dearest to our residents.
We believe in having discussions with our residents and their families early in our relationship. This ensures that as movement to the end of life takes place we fully understand the personal wishes of all those supporting our residents in the care home. These discussions are undertaken very sensitively as they have the potential to cause distress.