Combating Loneliness With The Wednesday Wave Campaign
Vamos Theatre have created The Wednesday Wave. This is a national and international campaign designed to combat loneliness amongst care home residents and those who feel isolated during the current pandemic.
Why Stanfield Did Not Host a Macmillan Coffee Morning This Year
This year Stanfield Nursing Home was unfortunately unable to host our usual Macmillan Coffee Morning on the 25th of September. This year Covid-19 has drastically changed the way we provide care. Since the beginning of this pandemic we have received regular PPE...
Top 5 Health Benefits Of Crossword Puzzles
Recent studies show that solving crosswords later in life was associated with delayed onset of memory decline in those who develop dementia.
Person Centred Activities | Outstanding Care at Stanfield Nursing Home
Person centred care is about focusing on the needs of the person rather than the needs of the service. It ensures that people’s preferences, needs and values guide decisions to provide care that is respectful and responsive to the person.
5 Tips for Positive Ageing
Positive ageing is a term used to describe a process of maintaining a positive attitude towards ageing and we fully believe in this at Stanfield Nursing Home.
Brain training as a useful tool for Alzheimer’s
Brain training is a way of strengthening skills using fun mental workout sessions to target and strengthen neural connections in the brain.
What Makes A Good Carer?
Not everyone is cut out to be a nurse, carer or support worker. In order to provide quality care services, a good care worker requires certain skills and training. Sometimes these traits must be learned and sometimes they can just come naturally. As a care home in...
Managing our Care Home with Covid-19 Resources
Caring for people This pandemic raises a particular challenge for care homes across the globe. There is a necessity to adapt to the changing circumstances to better care for people. Thanks to the many Covid-19 resources available online and with Government guidance...
#GladToCare Awareness Week | Sharing Extraordinary Care Stories
#GladToCare Awareness Week Person Centred Software and Autumna have teamed up to create an awareness week dedicated to celebrating those who work in the care sector. Person Centred Software provides Mobile Care Monitoring. This is an intelligent mobile solution to...
Coronavirus Health Updates – All Tests Came Back Negative!
Our team at Stanfield are extremely proud to continue to uphold the best possible care for all residents with continued negative covid tests.